
private fork from EatWithAva / hologram-coding-project

Primary LanguageJava

Coding Project

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Overview of the coding assignment

This is a project to test your algorithms, Java, and SQL. You will be writing some utility functions, parsing a csv file, writing some logic, reading a SQL database (H2) schema, and writing some SQL.


Read over this file: src/main/java/com/hologramsciences/Algorithms.java

  1. Implement cartesianProductForLists

  2. Implement countNumWaysMakeChange


Read over this file:


  1. Implement parse

  2. Implement getOpenRestaurants(final DayOfWeek dayOfWeek, final LocalTime localTime)


Read over these files:

Schema: src/main/resource/schema.sql Data: src/main/resource/data.sql

  1. Implement getOpenRestaurants
  2. Implement getRestaurantsWithMenuOfSizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo

JooqRestaurantService (Bonus)

As a bonus you can show your skills with learning a new library.

Jooq (https://www.jooq.org) is a Java library that makes writing SQL easier and more typesafe. You will re-implement the methods in SQLRestaurantService, but using the Jooq DSL (Domain specific language.

  1. Implement getOpenRestaurants
  2. Implement getRestaurantsWithMenuOfSizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo


You can run the tests using Intellij/Eclipse or run this from the command line:

mvn test

Submitting your solution

Make sure to update README.md link to open Gitpod to use your Github fork public link.

Reply to email with a link to your Github fork.