
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Recipe App

About the project Motivation Functionalities Screenshots Installation and Usage Tech/Framework used Author License

About the project

This is an app of recipes, using what is most modern within the React ecosystem: Hooks and Context API. It is possible to view, search, filter, bookmark and follow the process of preparing recipes and drinks. The database consists of 2 different APIs, one for food and one for beverages. The layout focuses on mobile devices, so all prototypes are built on smaller screens.

Project developed at Trybe on Frontend Module. Trybe is a web development school that has a genuine commitment to the professional success of its students. There are more than 1500 hours of training that covers fundamentals of web development, development, front-end, back-end, computer science, software engineering, agile methodologies and soft skills.


  • Use Redux to manage state
  • Using the React-Redux library
  • Use the React Context API to manage state
  • Use React Hook useState
  • Using React Hook useContext
  • Using React Hook useEffect
  • Create custom hooks


  • Testes unitários
  • Tela de Login
  • Header
  • Barra de busca
  • Menu inferior
  • Tela principal de receitas
  • Tela de detalhes de uma receita
  • Tela de receita em progresso
  • Tela de receitas feitas
  • Tela de receitas favoritas
  • Tela de explorar
  • Tela de explorar bebidas ou comidas
  • Tela de explorar ingredientes
  • Tela de explorar por local de origem/area
  • Tela de perfil


The mockups are available on Figma:

Made by MuriloGon

Installation and Usage

Install depedencies

npm install

Start server at localhost:3000 (default)

npm start

Tech and Framework used

The following tools were used on this project:




Murilo Gonçalves

📝 License

This project is under MIT License MIT.

Made by Murilo Gonçalves Contact Me