
Sprint challenge for Sprint 11 of Lambda's iOS course

Primary LanguageObjective-C

Favorite Artists


Please read this entire README to make sure you understand what is expected of you before you begin.

This sprint challenge is designed to ensure that you are competent with the concepts taught throughout Objective-C Part 1.

  1. Begin by forking this repository. Clone your forked repository to your machine.
  2. There is no starter project. Create a project for this challenge in this repository and commit as appropriate while you work.
  3. Push your final project to GitHub, then create a pull request back to this original repository.

You will have 3 hours to complete this sprint challenge

If you have any questions about the project requirements or expectations, ask your PM or instructor. Good luck!

Screen Recording

Please view the screen recordings so you will know what your finished project should look like:

(The gif is fairly large in size. It may take a few seconds for it to appear)

Before you begin

You will be using is The Audio DB Website to get information about an artist that the user searches for. The API's documentation is here.

NOTE: In the place of an actual API key, use the number 1 instead. This is the API's demo key.

A sample request for Macklemore looks like this URL and JSON response (a request may take a few seconds to complete):



The requirements for this project are as follows:

  1. A model object that represents an artist. It should have the following properties:

    • Their name.
    • Their biography.
    • The year that they formed. This must be a primitive.
  2. A category called NSJSONSerialization. In this category add:

    • An initializer to create your model object from a dictionary.

      - (void)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)

    • A function that returns your model object in dictionary form.

      - (NSDictionary *)toDictionary

  3. Add the ability to save a searched artist.

    • Implement persistence using NSFileManager to save your model objects to a file in the application's Document directory.
    • Note: As you do not have access to Codable use NSJSONSerialization to help turn your model objects into NSData.
  4. A table view controller that displays a list of saved artists.

  5. A detail view controller that allows the user to search for new artists, and also view saved artist information.

Go Further

  • Persist your model objects using Core Data instead of saving them to a file.
  • Download album or artist artwork and present these images in the table view cell and/or the detail view.
  • Persist album/artist artwork in a temporary directory.
  • Allow the user to remove saved artists from the table view.