Encrypted JSON Field

Encrypted JSON field supports automatic encryption/ decryption of JSON fields with padding to conceal start and end of value.


Nothing really to setup, just import the field and get to work. You could, however, setup an optional variable in your django settings named ENCRYPTED_JSON_FIELD_SECRET (It should be 16 chars minimum) which will be used to encrypt/ decrypt the data of your fields. The default behaviour uses the first 16 characters of SECRET_KEY (Block size).


from encrypted_json_field import EncryptedJSONField
from django.db import models

class Company(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
    config = EncryptedJSONField(blank=True)


This supports Python >= 3.8 and Django >= 4.2. If you need to support other versions, please create an issue.