
Rogue Plasmacore

Primary LanguageCThe UnlicenseUnlicense


  • v0.5.5
  • December 8, 2016


  • Mac with Xcode and iOS SDK.
  • Plasmacore comes with an embedded copy of the Rogue language; you do not need to install Rogue separately.

Supported Platforms

Currently the Plasmacore toolchain only runs on MacOS and supports Mac and iOS compile targets.

Other platforms and targets will eventually be supported.

Documentation and Resources

There is some Rogue documentation here: https://github.com/AbePralle/Rogue/wiki

There is no Plasmacore documentation yet. You can manually browse the Libraries/Rogue/Plasmacore files.

A sample Plasmacore game project is available here: https://github.com/AbePralle/PlasmacoreDemos

Bootstrap Command

To bootstrap a new Plasmacore-based project, open a Terminal in your new project folder and copy and paste the following command:

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AbePralle/Plasmacore/master/Bootstrap.mk && make -f Bootstrap.mk

The command will fetch a bootstrap makefile which in turn will git clone the latest Plasmacore repo in a temporary folder and copy all the files into the current folder.

Starting a New Project

  1. Run the bootstrap command or manually clone the Plasmacore repo and copy everything except the .git folder into your project folder.
  2. At the command line run make ios. The first build will take a while as intermediate files are compiled.
  3. Open Platforms/iOS/iOS-Project.xcodeproj in Xcode and run on the simulator or a device. You should see a blue screen.
  4. Edit Source/Main.rogue and add more game code.
  5. Either run make ios again or just compile and run in Xcode again as a build phase automatically runs make ios. If you get an error in Xcode and you can't tell what it is, run make ios on the command line and you will see the compiler error message.
  6. Add images to Assets/Images and load them by name - Image("img.png"), Font("SomeFont.png"), etc.

Updating an Existing Project

make update will update your current project to the latest version of Plasmacore (via git and rsync) without touching any game-specific files.


Plasmacore is released into the Public Domain under the terms of the Unlicense.

Change Log

###v0.5.5 - December 8, 2016

  • [OverlayLog] Fixed overlay log messages to be single spaced instead of double spaced.
  • [Swift] Added PlasmacoreMessage.getDictionary(name:String).
  • [Messaging] Added Message.send_rsvp(response_message_type:String,callback:Function(Message)). Rather than awaiting a formal reply to this specific message like Message.send_rsvp(callback) does, this version installs a global one-time message listener to call the callback; the listener is not actually associated with this message at all.
  • [Rogue] Updated to Rogue v1.1.12.
  • [Makefile] Created variables REPO and BRANCH that can be overridden during an update, e.g. make update BRANCH=develop.

###v0.5.4 - December 6, 2016

  • [Message] Added helper methods for sending and receiving JSON-encoded Value objects using the message passing system: Message.send(name,Value), .value(name), .table(name), and .list(name).

###v0.5.3 - December 4, 2016

  • [Rogue] Detailed Rogue error messages now show up in Xcode and can be jumped to by clicking on the error.
  • [XY] Fixed error in XY.magnitude() (was incorrectly made into a [macro]).
  • [Image] Added constructors for Image(Color,[size=Display.size:XY]) and Image(Colors,[XY]).
  • [Box] Added Box.fill(Colors) to complement existing Box.fill(Color).
  • [Plasmacore] Removed Plasmacore.launch_window_name.
  • [ImageCompiler] Fixed bug that in some cases prevented image sheets from being reduced in pixel size as much as possible.
  • [System] Augmented System class with global methods System.is_desktop()->Logical and System.is_mobile()->Logical.
  • [Colors] Removed ambiguous constructor Colors(Color*4) that was already covered by Colors(Color*4,Int32=4).
  • [Rogue] Added appropriate Desktop or Mobile target to each compile for use with conditional compilation directives. E.g. $if ("Mobile") ....
  • [Rogue] Updated to Rogue v1.1.11.
  • [Swift] Renamed PlasmacoreMessageHandler to PlasmacoreMessageListener to match Rogue-side name.
  • [Swift] Converted Plasmacore.singleton.addMessageListener(...) to Plasmacore.addMessageListner(...); same for removeMessageListener.

###v0.5.2 - December 2, 2016

  • [Mac Project] Added missing Build/Mac/Assets folder reference to Mac Project.

###v0.5.1 - December 2, 2016

  • [Plasmacore] Added on_resize() and after_resize() to View and State, called before update and draw events when the Display.size has changed.
  • [Plasmacore] Improved and streamlined the update and draw event API, removing the on(UpdateEvent)->on_update chain in favor of calling on_update directly; same with on_draw.

###v0.5.0 - December 1, 2016

  • [Mac] Added Mac project.
  • [OverlayLog] Overlay text now never scales below 1.0.
  • [Makefile] Changed make update to use HTTPS instead of SSH for the git clone operation.

###v0.4.7 - November 24, 2016

  • [Image] Added original_size property that tracks the image's original display size.

###v0.4.6 - November 24, 2016

  • [Plasmacore] Fixed Display.clipping_region to work on iPhone Plus with regular and zoomed displays.

###v0.4.5 - November 15, 2016

  • [Image Compiler] A non-"." image group that does not have a wildcard in the path now compiles correctly.

###v0.4.4 - November 15, 2016

  • [iOS Project] An Application.save message now gets sent on applicationWillResignActive instead of applicationDidEnterBackground and applicationWillTerminate.
  • [Rogue] Updated to Rogue v1.1.4

###v0.4.3 - November 13, 2016

  • [Rogue] Fixed bug in Value.to_json() where false would print as null.

###v0.4.2 - November 13, 2016

  • [Rogue] Fixed fatal compile error bug in 0.4.1 release.

###v0.4.1 - November 13, 2016

  • [Rogue] Updated Rogue to v1.1.3.

###v0.4.0 - November 12, 2016

  • [Plasmacore] Image compiler meta-info output format and corresponding Plasmacore image info loading system reworked for massive savings. File sizes are reduced by half and runtime object counts are reduced by a factor of 10.
  • [Box] Creating a Box from a Value with Box(Value) now works with value lists - Box(@[3,4]) is equivalent to Box(&size=XY(3,4)) and Box(@[1,2,3,4]) is equivalent to Box(&position=XY(1,2),&size=XY(3,4)).
  • [iOS] Now displays correctly on iPhone Plus - glViewport needs physical pixels (1080x1920) while the rest of the rendering system needs the internal display buffer size (1242x2208).

###v0.3.5 - November 7, 2016

  • [App Lifecycle] Added State/View on_app_start/stop/save methods based on global Application.start/stop/save events. Timers and such should be stopped and started with those methods. save() is called when the app may or may not resume execution and should save its state.

###v0.3.4 - November 4, 2016

  • [Image Compiler] Fixed bug where the same image being copied+resized more than once starts with the original image each time.

###v0.3.3 - November 3, 2016

  • [Rogue] Updated to Rogue v1.1.2.

###v0.3.2 - November 1, 2016

  • [Display] Added Display.clipping_region:Box? which sets up the "scissor test" that clips any drawn images to the given bounds. Assign a valid box to define and enable the clipping region or null to disable it.
  • [Image System] Removed kludgy Plasmacore.default_asset_folder in favor of a global property Image.search_folders:String[]. Modify the folders as you like by adding e.g. iPadRetina to the search_folders list, allowing Image("Name.png") to be used rather than Image("iPadRetina/Name.png") etc.
  • [Image System] Any path-shortened form of an image can now be used to load the image. For example, Image("iOS/BG.png") can now be loaded as Image("BG.png").

###v0.3.1 - October 31, 2016

  • [Sound] Added Sound.duration()->Real64 that returns the duration in seconds.
  • [Sound] Added Sound.is_finished()->Logical that returns true if a sound is not playing and not paused.
  • [Sound] Added Sound.is_playing()->Logical.
  • [Sound] Added Sound.is_repeating:Logical.
  • [Sound] Added Sound.pause() that stop a sound without rewinding it. play() or resume() will play the sound again.
  • [Sound] Added Sound.play(is_repeating:Logical) in addition to Sound.play().
  • [Sound] Added Sound.position:Real64 that specifies a sound's playback position in seconds.
  • [Sound] Added Sound.resume() that resumes playing a sound only if it has been previously paused.
  • [Sound] Added Sound.set_volume(Real64) that accepts an argument between 0.0 and 1.0.
  • [Sound] Added Sound.stop() that stops a sound and rewinds it to the beginning.
  • [SoundGroup] Created new SoundGroup class to manage a set of related sounds, like multiple copies of a single sound effect or multiple variations of a sound.
  • [SoundGroup] Added constructor SoundGroup.init(sound_name:String,channels=1:Int32,&is_music).
  • [SoundGroup] Added constructor SoundGroup.init(&random,&random_order,&autoplay). The &random flag picks a sound randomly each time. &random_order is similar but it plays all sounds in a random order before repeating any of them, reshuffling each time before another pass. &autoplay automatically plays another sound when each sound is finished - note SoundGroup.play() must be called once to start the process.
  • [SoundGroup] Added SoundGroup.add(Sound) which adds another sound to the group.
  • [SoundGroup] Added SoundGroup.play() that plays the next sound from the group.
  • [SoundGroup] Added SoundGroup.pause() that pauses all sounds in the group.
  • [SoundGroup] Added SoundGroup.resume() that resumes all paused sounds in the group.
  • [SoundGroup] Added SoundGroup.stop() that halts playback of the group.

###v0.3.0 - October 31, 2016

  • [Sound Compiler] Added new Sound Compiler that works similar to the Image Compiler. It is automatically invoked during an Xcode build or you can manually ./scom iOS to run it. It uses the Assets/Sounds/SoundConfig.txt build script, creating a default version necessary.
  • [Sound] Added Sound class. Create a sound with Sound(name:String,[channels=1:Int32]). name should be a filename in Assets/Sounds/; you can omit Assets/Sounds/ as well as the extension. channels is the number of times that sound can play concurrently - each additional number ends up creating a new sound player underneath so don't use more than 1 channel if you don't need to.
  • [Sound] Call Sound.play() to play a sound. Additional sound API calls will be added later.
  • [AVFoundation Framework] You must manually add the AVFoundation framework to any existing projects.
  • [Image Compiler] Renamed imageCopy command to copy.

###v0.2.3 - October 29, 2016

  • [Image Compiler] Improved wildcard matching for group specifications.
  • [Image Compiler] Changing Assets/Images/ImageConfig.txt no longer causes an image sheet recompile due to timestamp difference. If you need to recompile existing images with new settings, do a make clean first.
  • [TargetValue] Changed original initializer to default to ProgressFn.QUADRATIC instead of LINEAR.
  • [TargetValue] Added new initializer init(initial_value,duration_fn,progress_fn=ProgressFn.QUADRATIC). duration_fn should be of type Function($DataType)->(Real64), accepts a delta interval, and should return the desired duration for that interval. The TargetValue will automatically adjust the duration as new target values are set, effectively allowing a rate-limited rather than time-based TargetValue.

###v0.2.2 - October 26, 2016

  • [Image Compiler] Changed convention of Image Compiler to use camelCase commands with serpent_case arguments, like Rogue.
  • [Image Compiler] Added resize:WxH->WxH option to Image Compiler's imageCopy command.
  • [Image Compiler] Removed vestigial reference to 'freetype-2.6.3' folder in Image Compiler's Makefile.

###v0.2.1 - October 21, 2016

  • [iOS Xcode Project] Added missing Swift files to iOS template project.

###v0.2.0 - October 20, 2016

  • [Image Compiler] Replaced complex Asset Manager (AM) with simple Image Compiler (ICOM) that works off the script Assets/Images/ImageConfig.txt. ICOM will automatically create a default config script if that is missing. ICOM is automatically run as part of the make ios build.

###v0.1.2 - October 3, 2016

  • [Bootstrap] Instead of copying all hidden files, now copies only .gitattributes and .gitignore and uses the --ignore-existing rsync option.
  • [ActionCmd] Added ActionCmd(Function()) constructor that creates an action command that calls the given function when invoked.
  • [Image] Image(existing:Image,subset:Box) now works correctly even when the existing image hasn't been loaded yet.
  • [Image] Renamed alpha to opacity (controls master opacity, defaults to 1.0).
  • [Image] Fixed opacity to work correctly with opaque images (was previously not enabling blending).
  • [Font] Renamed alpha to opacity; opacity now actually applied to font drawing.
  • [TargetValue] Consolidated TimeLimitedTargetValue and RateLimitedTargetValue into single class TargetValue.
  • [TargetValue] A start_time of 0 now signals a finished state internally; once target value is reached then start_time is set to 0 to avoid subsequent duration changes "restarting" animation.
  • [XY] Added operator==(XY) to provide a better implementation than the current Rogue-generated default.

###v0.1.1 - October 3, 2016

  • [Bootstrap] Added bootstrap mechanism detailed in README.

###v0.1.0 - October 2, 2016

  • Initial release.