
GObject Introspection for Rogue

Primary LanguagePython

This is Rogir, which is a GObject Introspection code generator for Rogue.
You can point it at a GIR and it will generate a bunch of Rogue code to
wrap it.

It was hacked together pretty quickly and is pretty ugly.  Lots of stuff
probably doesn't work right and lots of stuff isn't implemented or isn't
implemented right.  For example:

* Ownership transfer, especially of records/unions.
* Arrays.
* Constants should use the new module-scoped globals but don't.
  (Ironic since this project is why they exist.)
* Nice mechanisms to drop problematic members, reshape constructors, etc.
* Interfaces.
* Safe downcasting.
* Primitive types which don't map perfectly into Rogue types can
  probably use improvement.
* Non-LP64 platforms.
* Etc., etc.

That said, it does some stuff okay, and it works well enough to meet my
initial goal, which is being able to write a hello world in GTK:

  $include "gi_gen.rogue"

  nativeHeader #include "gtk/gtk.h"
  # Why the GI for GTK doesn't mention this header, I have no idea.

  native @|gtk_init (0,0);
  # Arrays aren't currently supported, so have to do this with "native".

  local w = Gtk::Window(Gtk::WindowType.TOPLEVEL)

  local b = Gtk::Button.new_with_label("Hello, World!")

  b.connect_clicked( ()=> println("CLICK!") )
  # Typed signal connection.  Built on a lower level signal mechanism.



Generate the GI wrapping code:
  python rogir.py Gtk 3.0 gi_gen.rogue

And compiling is easy with the new pkg-config support in Rogue:
  roguec test_gtk.rogue --pkg-config=gtk+-3.0 --main

Why Is It Written in Python?
It's very common to write GI code generators for language X in language X.
This seems to have led to a lot of replication and a lot partially-capable
and mostly-abandoned code generators.  Python is a bit of a lingua franca,
so in an ideal world, maybe this will be helpful for people writing code
generators for other languages.  At least if it got cleaned up some (okay,
got cleaned up a lot).  The Rogue-specific parts are mostly done as
mixins (with the exception of some stuff grossly stuck into the type

Anyone interested in some collaboration, please file an issue.