
Course registration using Bonitasoft BPM automation process

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Business Data Model API

  • Find by attribute http://localhost:8080/bonita/API/bdm/businessData/com.company.model.Student?q=findByBatch&p=0&c=3&f=Batch=E14

  • Find by perrsistence Id http://localhost:8080/bonita/API/bdm/businessData/com.company.model.Student/findByIds?ids=1,2,3,4

  • call an attribute of JSON object productDetail--> {product: tea, country: Sri Lanka} attribute of productDetail object can be called in UI as productDetail.country productDetail--> [{product: tea, country: Sri Lanka}] attribute of productDetail object can be called in UI as productDetail[0].country

  • h2 database update create a text file and export the table as a CSV format

    for example: CREATE TABLE UPDATE AS select * from csvread('D:/Bonita/Course.txt',null,'charset=UTF-8 fieldSeparator=|')



  • Retrieve lazy reference

    retrieve lazy references of a business data field using lazyRef filter in an External API variable: API URL: {{myBusinessData | lazyRef : 'relationName'}} where myBusinessData is an External API variable retrieving a business data from the context like in the above example and relationName the name of the lazy relation field to retrieve.

bonita Platform(Process Deployment)

As in the documentation, follow the instruction as below to install the tomcat bundle,
  1. Create the database

  2. Customize it so it works with Bonita

  3. Modify the database.properties file: Set the right db vendor and change connection url, user credentials, database name and so on.

    next run the tomcat server which automatically directs to the bonita portal and do the procedure as in link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YekoVEj1NDE. Don't forget to create administrative user wwhen we are login as a technical user.

Some good readings

https://www.evoketechnologies.com/blog/custom-page-integration-bonita-bpm/ https://bonitatraining.com/bonita-bpm-7-developer-friendly-engaging-applications/