
Database as a Web Service by the Example of PostgreSQL (HSR Seminar FS2019)

Primary LanguagePython


To use this repo you have to install docker and docker-compose on your system. Further, python3.6 and pip is required.

Getting Started

For preparation clone this repository and download the two database dumps from the following sources:

After that move the two dumps into the docker/data folder.

cp eosm_ch.sql docker/data
cp sakila.sql docker/data

Now you are ready to run the containers:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

The PostGraphile and PostgREST Api should be reachable under:


Run: (previously, install the dependencies mentioned in the requirements.txt)

python3 graphql_requests.py


  • ORDER BY multiple columns -> @graphile-contrib/pg-order-by-related
  • GROUP BY not possible -> Views
  • SUM not possible -> Views (wip @graphile/pg-aggreates)
  • Nested Queries not possible -> View (7a..)
  • Extended docs would be nice

Used plugins:

  • postgraphile-plugin-connection-filter
  • @graphile/postgis
  • @graphile-contrib/pg-order-by-related
  • @graphile/pg-aggreates (doesn't work until now)


Run: (previously, install the dependencies mentioned in the requirements.txt)

python3 postgrest_requests.py


  • Nice API Doc / Swagger (http://postgrest.org/en/v5.2/api.html)
  • Aggregations not possible (COUNT, SUM) -> Views
  • Nested Queries not possible -> Views
  • Multiple Join Filter results in null -> Change direction (7c)
  • No Geo-Spatial queries -> Views


  • pg_prewarm
  • average query time
  • pgTune
  • osm_stops reference to didok_stops for postgraphile
  • Prepare slides for a presentation (mention requests.elapsed.total_seconds)


EOSM_Postgraphile EOSM_PostgREST

SAKILA_Postgraphile SAKILA_PostgREST