User Management Application


This project is a User Management Application built using React, Redux Toolkit, and TypeScript. The application displays a list of users with features for filtering and deleting users. It demonstrates the usage of advanced filtering, state management via Redux Toolkit, and strongly typed components with TypeScript.


  • User List Display: Fetches users from an API and displays them in a table format.
  • Advanced Filtering: Users can filter the table by name, username, email, and phone number using search inputs.
  • Delete User: Users can be deleted from the list dynamically.
  • Loading Spinner: A spinner is shown while fetching users from the API.
  • State Management with Redux Toolkit: The application uses Redux Toolkit for managing the global state of users.
  • TypeScript Support: All components and logic are strongly typed for better maintainability and developer experience.

Tech Stack

  • React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • Redux Toolkit: A toolset for efficient Redux development.
  • TypeScript: A strongly typed superset of JavaScript for building scalable applications.
  • Bootstrap: For styling components and making the UI responsive.

Key Concepts

1. React

React is used to create a dynamic and responsive user interface. Components like TableBody, TableHead, UserRow, and SearchPanel are designed to manage different parts of the application, ensuring modularity and code reusability.

2. Redux Toolkit

Redux Toolkit simplifies state management by providing powerful abstractions and tools such as:

  • createSlice: For creating Redux state slices, including reducers and actions.
  • createAsyncThunk: For handling asynchronous logic (like fetching data from an API).
  • useDispatch: A hook to dispatch actions.
  • useSelector: A hook to select data from the Redux store.

The userSlice.ts file manages the user data, fetching it from an API and allowing for user deletion with actions and reducers.

3. TypeScript

TypeScript is used to ensure type safety across the application. The project uses TypeScript's type annotations for:

  • Component Props: Ensuring each component receives the correct types for props, such as UserRow and TableBody.
  • Redux State: Defining types for the state managed by Redux (e.g., User[]).

4. Advanced Filtering

The table supports advanced filtering by allowing users to input text in search fields corresponding to each column (name, username, email, phone). The search results update in real-time as the user types.

5. Component Structure

The component structure is modular and reusable. Some important components are:

  • TableHead: Renders the table headers.
  • TableBody: Displays user rows and handles filtering logic.
  • UserRow: Displays individual user data and includes a delete button.
  • SearchPanel: Allows users to search/filter the table data based on multiple fields.

6. User Deletion

Users can be removed from the table by clicking the delete icon in each row. This functionality is handled through:

  • Redux State: Dispatching the deleteUser action to update the global state.
  • onDelete: A function passed down as a prop to handle the deletion logic in child components.

Project Structure

├── components/
│   ├── SearchPanel.tsx  # Component for advanced filtering
│   ├── TableBody.tsx    # Renders table rows with user data
│   ├── TableHead.tsx    # Renders table headers
│   ├── TableInfo.tsx    # Displays total users count
│   ├── UserRow.tsx      # Renders a row for each user with delete functionality
├── store/
│   ├── index.ts         # Redux store setup
│   ├── userSlice.ts     # Redux slice for users (fetch, delete)
├── App.tsx              # Main application file
├── index.tsx            # Application entry point
└── types.ts             # Common TypeScript types