
Discord bot to act as a secretary for the Hades Speedrunning Discord server.

Primary LanguagePython

Supportive Shade

This is a relatively extendable bot that acts as a secretary for the Hades Speedrunning Discord server.

To add a task for the shade to handle, you'll need to create a Watcher subclass in the jobs.py file. The task should define a should_act function, which accepts a message and returns a boolean of whether this task should be activated. It should also define an act function, which accepts a message and performs the action.

class SmileBack(Watcher):

    def should_act(self, message: Message) -> bool:
        return ":)" in message.content

    def act(self, message: Message):
        await message.channel.send(":)")

You can then add the task to the hooks list in main.py. Eventually this may be automated for simple hooks, but for now it'll need to be done manually.

async def on_ready():

The hook will then be evaluated for every message, and triggered when necessary.