This package is an admin generator that help you generate an admin interface based on the database structure. Its main goal is to quickly create the necessary files to create a CRUD for an entity. The generator is built using the laravel framework and vue JS framework.
The following files are created:
- The model
- The validation request
- The request transformer
- The controller
- The index and create vue files
- The api routes
- The JS routes
Additionally, the package provides the following files:
- The admin and locale middleware
- A user model
- A page, block and seo structure for general pages
- An image handling structure
- Admin layout
The package is dependant on the following packages as well to quickly set up the project:
- Sluggable by cviebrock to generate slugs for models
- Translatable by dimsav to provide translation for models
- Laravel Socialite to allow login with FB, Google or Github
- Intervention image to handle images
- Laravel passport to manage tokens
- Laravel spatie permission to manage roles and permissions
- Laravel fractal to mask database structure to improve security
- Doctrine dbal to analyse db structure
On a fresh laravel installation, you can install this package by running the following command:
composer require sleekcube/admingenerator
Once installed, you need to setup laravel to use this package. Simply run the following command:
php artisan sleekcube:setup
Once done, run
composer dump-autoload
After this, you need to hook up a database with your laravel application.
Run the following commands:
php artisan config:cache;
php artisan storage:link;
php artisan migrate:fresh;
php artisan passport:install;
php artisan db:seed;
Once this is done, you should try to access the /admin route of your application. Ideally, you'd hook up the application with a v-host. Either way, be sure to change the APP_URL in your.env file. As you can see in your UserSeeder, you have an admin with username: and password: secret
The package provides three commands for three types of database structure.
- An unrelated, standalone model
php artisan generate:simple [model]
- A related model
php artisan generate:belongto [model]
- A translated model
php artisan generate:translation [model]
NB: The model name needs to in singular form.
The package also provides a scheduler command. This allows you to order your migrations. First you need to publish the package config:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Sleekcube\AdminGenerator\AdminGeneratorServiceProvider" --tag="config"
In your config directory, you will find a sleekcube.php file. Here you can define an array as follows:
'migrations' => [
'tablename1' => 'simple',
'tablename2' => 'belongto',
'tablename3' => 'translation',
After the migration is done, to recompile your assets, you need to run
npm run production
// Migrations
public function up()
Schema::create('tags', function (Blueprint $table) {
Schema::create('articles', function (Blueprint $table) {
Schema::create('blogs', function (Blueprint $table) {
Schema::create('blog_translations', function (Blueprint $table) {
// in config/sleecube.php
'migrations' => [
'tag' => 'simple',
'article' => 'belongto',
'blog' => 'translation',
This will create the following migrations
php artisan generate:simple tag;
php artisan generate:belongto article;
php artisan generate:translation blog;
Recompile your assets and checkout the following urls:
- /admin/tag
- /admin/article
- /admin/blog
As a security feature, the id of the model is masked from the front. The mapping is always done using slugs which means that the model always need to have a string which will be used as the source for the slug generation.
- Test for the package
- Generation of tests for the CRUD generated
- Linking translated models
- Cater for many-to-many relationships
- Cater for has-Many relations
- Handle more form types. Currently only, string, text and integer