MusicLang Jukebox

What is this ?

The project is a demonstration the capabilities of our open source package MusicLang that is a high level tonal composition engine.

The use case we chose is the mixing of 3 different songs together to create a new one. We create an infinite variation over existing musical assets from various videogames. For the submission we used the following songs :

  • Orchestration : Prelude - Final Fantasy 7
  • Melody : Rayman Bandland - Rayman
  • Chord Progression : Silent Hill Theme - Silent Hill

How to use it ?

Install the requirements in a python virtual environment :

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then launch the main script :


The results will appear in the data/experiment/output.mid folder. We also provide a wav file (result.wav) that is the resulting midi file rendered with some VSTs.