What is this application!?

  • A mini challenge I created to help students practice deploying a front-end application via Netlify[https://www.netlify.com/].
  • This app is currently designed for 1280px w screen.

Getting started:

  • In terminal, navigate into the folder you'd like to house this project in.
  • git clone this project.
  • npm start your freshly cloned project to make sure it's working how it should.
  • Make any changes you'd like (you can also do this after it's deployed as well)!
  • Create a GitHub repo for this project.
  • Create a Netlify account.

Get Ready to Deploy!

two ways to clone this project to deploy:

  • Clone this GitHub repo.
  • Create your own GitHub repo for this project.
  • git remote set-url origin add, commit, push.


  • fork the this repo
  • then continue to the next steps.

Next Steps

  • Feel free to make it your own! Add or change something.
  • Create a GitHub repo for bonesies-deploy-me-challange project. Call it whatever you like!
  • Once everything looks good and you’re ready to deploy it run: npm run build
  • After running npm run build, you should see a lovely build folder appear in your project.

Next Steps:

  • Once you’ve set up your account with Netlify. Click on > New site from Git
  • Chose GitHub and follow the instructions to connect GitHub to Netlify
  • Next pick the GitHub repo you’d like to deploy.

Site Settings:

  • Owner:
  • Branch to deploy: main

For Build Settings:

  • Base directory: not set
  • side note about Build directory: This is referring to the directory your project is in. So if it’s in a folder called > client it would be “client”. The Default setting is the root of the repository. So in this case, you don’t have to set it.
  • Build command: npm run build
  • Publish directory: build
  • Hit Deploy (it may take a moment).
  • Share your link to show off your deployed app!