
Skins for the Musicoin Desktop Wallet. Please claim bounties and open issues at the main (desktop) repo.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Musicoin Desktop - Interface Module

Default UX Module for Musicoin Desktop Client


  1. First, clone the main desktop codebase and this module.
    1. git clone git@github.com:Musicoin/desktop.git
    2. git clone git@github.com:Musicoin/desktop-interface.git
  2. Second, change the dependency location in the main app.
    1. (substitute vim for your preference) vim desktop/package.json
    2. Find "interface": "github:Musicoin/desktop-interface" to "interface": "../desktop-interface"
  3. Third, make your changes to the interface module, and test according to [Musicoin Instructions(https://github.com/Musicoin/desktop).

At this point the desktop client should popup and run. From here on out you should be able to run 'yarn debug' to see the desktop client in action.


Musicoin Wallet 1.5