HTTP Server

To start the HTTP Server run command: "python3 "

To run the test file run command: "python3 "

In order to stop the server use: "quit"

Images, videos, text files, etc all can be displayed in the browser.

GET Method:

Status 200 OK:
GET request returns status 200 whenever a request is successful.

Status 301 Moved Permanantly:
GET request returns 301 when request to a file is redirected to a new location.

Status 304 Not Modified:
GET request returns status 304 when the requested file is not modified since it was last accessed.

Status 403 Forbidden:
GET request returns status 403 when the requested file exists but it doesn't have read permissions.

Status 404 Not Found:
GET request returns status 404 when the requested file doesn't exist.

Status 414 URI Too Long:
GET request returns status 414 when the requested uri is longer than the limit specified in config file.

Status 415 Unsupported Media Type:
GET request returns status 415 when the requested file has an extension of the file which is not supported by our server.

Status 505 HTTP version not supported:
GET request returns status 505 when the specified HTTP version in the request is other than HTTP/1.1 .

POST Method:

Status 200 OK:
POST request retuens 200 when the request is successful.

Status 404 Not Found:
POST request returns status 404 when the requested file doesn't is not found at the server's end.

Status 413 Payload Too Large:
POST request returns 413 whenever the length of payload is larger than that specified in the config file.

Status 505 HTTP version not supported:
POST request returns status 505 when the specified HTTP version in the request is other than HTTP/1.1 .

HEAD Method:

Status 200 OK:
HEAD request returns status 200 whenever a request is successful.

Status 304 Not Modified:
HEAD request returns status 304 when the requested file is not modified since it was last accessed.

Status 404 Not Found:
HEAD request returns status 404 when the requested file doesn't exist.

Status 415 Unsupported Media Type:
HEAD request returns status 415 when the requested file has an extension of the file which is not supported by our server.

Status 505 HTTP version not supported:
HEAD request returns status 505 when the specified HTTP version in the request is other than HTTP/1.1 .

PUT Method:

Status 200 OK:
PUT request returns status 200 whenever a request is successful.

Status 201 Created:
PUT request returns status 201 when a new file is requested in order to complete this request.

Status 204 No Content:
PUT request returns status 204 when the requested file to be edited has 0 length of body.

Status 304 Not Modified:
PUT request returns status 304 when the requested file is not modified since it was last accessed.

Status 403 Forbidden:
PUT request returns status 403 when the requested file has no write permissions in order to edit it.

Status 404 Not Found:
PUT request returns status 404 when the requested file doesn't exist.

Status 411 Length Required:
PUT request returns status 411 when the request doesn't contain the "Content-Length Header".

Status 413 Payload Too Large:
PUT request returns 413 whenever the length of payload is larger than that specified in the config file.

Status 414 URI Too Long:
PUT request returns status 414 when the requested uri is longer than the limit specified in config file.

Status 415 Unsupported Media Type:
PUT request returns status 415 when the requested file has an extension of the file which is not supported by our server.

Status 505 HTTP version not supported:
PUT request returns status 505 when the specified HTTP version in the request is other than HTTP/1.1 .

DELETE Method:

Status 200 OK:
DELETE request returns status 200 whenever a request is successful.

Status 204 No Content:
DELETE request returns status 204 when the requested file to be deleted has 0 length.

Apart from these some common status codes are: Status 400 Bad request: This status code is returned when the syntax of our request is not correct.

Status 408 Request timed out:
When the response is not generated within the specified time limit(specified in config file) the server returns status 408 as the 			request times out.

Status 501 Method Not Impelemented:
When client request requests method other than GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, DELETE then server returns 501 status code.


Manish Arora
Muskan Paryani