
CSCI 4061 P1

Primary LanguageC

test machine : csel-vole3d-04 date : 10 / 06 / 20 name : John Schmitz , Mustaf Ahmed , Ellie Hollenberger x500 : schm4722 , ahmed719 , holle299

Purpose: The purpose of this program is to take a text file and have a count for each unique word in the file.

How to Compile: Navigate to the Template directory of the program and enter make. Then run ./mapreduce #mappers #reducers inputfile Where #mappers is the number of mapper processes, #reducer is the number of reducer processes, and inputfile is your input text file. Expected output will be in the output directory under MapOut and ReduceOut respectively.

What the program does: The program starts by taking in a text file and the number of mapper and reducer processes as input. It then calls mapper which creates individual text files for every unique word, and in the text file writes a series of 1's that each represent an instance in the text file. Once completed, reducer is called, which takes the individual text files and compiles them into one file per process that contains each unique word and the number of times that word is found in that chunk of the text file.

Assumptions: None

Team: John Schmitz schm4722@umn.edu Mustaf Ahmed ahmed719@umn.edu Ellie Hollenberger holle299@umn.edu

Contributions: Our team chose to meet on Zoom for the project, and work through the code togther using Repl.