
The main goal of the subproject DOCKERIZE is to create a Dockerfile (== an executable that contains the files and the dependencies of a program.), one image and one container

Primary LanguageGo



The main goal of the subproject DOCKERIZE is to create a Dockerfile (== an executable that contains the files and the dependencies of a program.), one image and one container

How to do a docker ?

You have to create a Dockerfile which contains the following :

The base go-image

FROM golang:1.16.3

Create a directory for the app

RUN mkdir /ascii-art-web-dockerize

Copy all files from the current directory to the app directory

COPY . /ascii-art-web-dockerize

Set working directory

WORKDIR /ascii-art-web-dockerize

Run command as described:

go build will build an executable file named main in the current directory

RUN go build -o main .

Run the main executable

CMD [ "/ascii-art-web-dockerize/main" ]

Afterwards, in order to run the docker in the command prompt:

You have to build the program with the command :

docker build -t ascii-art-web-dockerize .

Then, run it with the command :

docker run -it --rm -p 8000:8001 ascii-art-web-dockerize

What we have learned from this Project

This project helped us learn about the topics below :

  • Client utilities.
  • The basics of web :
    • Server
    • HTTP
    • HTML
  • Learning about docker.
  • Using and setting up Docker :
    • Services and dependencies.
    • Containerizing an application.
    • Compatibility/Dependency.
    • Creating images.
  • Ways to receive data.
  • Ways to output data.

This project was made by :

Mustafa (as mus11110)

Zhangir (as zhangir11)