forthebadge forthebadge


This Project searches for Udemy courses coupons We seek to learn you new stuff for free, all you have to do is give us the link of udemy course or its name and take the rest for us! **NOTE: THIS PROJECT IS LEGAL AND NOT AFFILIATED WITH UDEMY

if you find any bug or issues, please let me know by open an issue in github.


This project requires Python version:** Python 3.8+

Also you must have pip poetry installed.

After downloding the repo or cloning it you will find requirements.txt so navigate to it and type pip install -r requirements.txt


After downloding the repo or cloning it ,navigate to the folder where you placed the files on and Type python Course as Course is the course url or its name, I recommend using udemy link as it will get the correct name of the course. you also can run the program with no arguments and it will ask you for the URL.