
A simple Python command-line app for sending test messages using a range of parameters (port, SSL, TLS, auth, etc.)

Primary LanguagePython

smtptest.py: command-line smtp test mail sender

I use this to programmatically test the security of my email server setups. With this Python app it's easy to script various combinations to SMTP sending options to make sure your email server behaves as you expect, both inside the firewall and out.

Usage: python smtptest.py [options] fromaddress toaddress serveraddress 
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t, --usetls          Connect using TLS, default is false
  -s, --usessl          Connect using SSL, default is false
  -n nnn, --port=nnn    SMTP server port
  -u username, --username=username
                        SMTP server auth username
  -p password, --password=password
                        SMTP server auth password
  -v, --verbose         Verbose message printing
  -d n, --debuglevel=n  Set to 1 to print smtplib.send messages

	python smtptest.py bob@example.com mary@example.com mail.example.com
	python smtptest.py --debuglevel 1 --usetls -u bob -p xyzzy "Bob <bob@example.com>" mary@example.com mail.example.com

At verbose == False and debuglevel == 0, smtptest will either succeed silently or print an error. Setting verbose or a debuglevel to 1 will generate intermediate output.

See also http://docs.python.org/library/smtplib.html