The package is used Construct paths in street networks from OpenStreetMaps using python and ROS. The package publishes the path waypoints whenever it is subscribes to gps readings as well as producing successive subgraphs of vehicle's location for further processing.
- Use the package manager pip to install osmnx.
pip install osmnx
- Clone the package.
git clone
Open configuration file road_processing_planning/config/params.yaml to set the map and the grid size wanted.
Launch the package.
roslaunch road_processing_planning route_points.launch
- Run rqt to specify goal point in UTM.
rosrun rqt_publisher rqt_publisher
- Run rosbag to find starting point in UTM. (without the "")
rosbag play "bag_name"
- To get grid map for subgraphs install the ogm_mapping and mapping_lib packages.
Start and Goal points (UTM).
Grid cell size.
Publishes waypoints.
Generates subgraphs.