
Explanation of the Expected Quality Player Selection Suppose that you are the manager of a football club. You are expected to sign free contract players for your team with the given budget of $X. The owner of the club will fire you if you spend money more than $X (You are allowed to spend less than $X). You are considering N different positions (such as Goalkeeper, Defender, Forward etc.). For each position in a team, there are K players who are available to play that specific position. However, you must sign at most one player for each position. If you do not sign any players at a particular position, then you plan to stick with the players you already have for that position. Each player has three main information:  The player’s position,  The amount of money that will cost to sign the player,  The player’s rating. The goal is to maximize the total ratings of players you signed while spending no more than $X. Your algorithm should output the total ratings and total price you spent on signings with the list of the players you signed. Operations: To maximize total ratings without spending more than $X, you are expected to both design DP and Greedy approaches. Methods you must code:  Dynamic Programming Approach  Greedy Approach Note: You will get the ratings, signing costs and positions of each player from the “input.xlsx” file. In the matrix, columns represent name, position, rating, price, respectively; whereas rows show players. You are allowed to convert .xlsx file into a corresponding .txt files (or whatever you want) before calling file read method in Java.