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usage: admin-finder.py [-h] [-u URL] [-w WORDLIST] [-t THREADCOUNT]
Admin panel finder
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL Target url/website
-w WORDLIST, --wordlist WORDLIST
Wordlist to use, default 'wordlist.txt'
Number of threads to use
Basic http authentication credentials user:pass format
[-] -u URL paremeter required
Multi-threaded admin finder written in python
Disclaimer: For Educational Purpose only. Use at your own risk, it is very easy to detect such attempts
- Check the robots.txt file, see if there is any useful information in it
- Locates admin webpage using over 800 lines of dictionary list
- Http basic authentication support with
-c admin:pass
contains the keyword to scan for on the target website's robot file. If they are found, it will be shown on screen.wordlist.txt
contains the wordlist that is used to build the urls for scanning
@the-c0d3r, @Taimander, @B4DF4C3
Convert the admin finder into a general purpose bruteforcing tool.