

This is a chat application that allows users to chat with each other in real-time. The application is built using Node.js, Express.js, and The application is deployed on Render and can be accessed at

Table of Contents.


To install the application, clone the repository and run yarn to install the dependencies. The application can be run locally by running yarn dev.


The application can be accessed at Users can enter a username and a chat room name to join a chat room. Users can then send messages to each other in real-time.


This application is covered under the MIT license.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are required to run the application:

  • PORT: The port on which the application will run.
  • MONGODB_ATLAS_URI: The URI for the MongoDB database.
  • JWT_SECRET: The secret key used to sign the JWT tokens.
  • SENDER_EMAIL: The email address used to send emails.
  • SENDER_EMAIL_PASSWORD: The password for the email address used to send emails.
  • CLIENT_URL: The URL for the client application.