
Simple and Responsive Employee Card

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Live Site URL

Run The Build:

Step 1

  npm i -D tailwindcss

Step 2

  npm run build

After that run the live server or open the html page to check if it is working

Full Installation Process[From the Scratch]

  1. npm init -y [Initializing node project.creates package.json file]
  2. npm i -D tailwindcss [installing tailwindcss as developer dependency.Creates node_modules and package-lock.json file]
  3. tailwindcss intellisense vs code plugin installing
  4. npx tailwindcss init --full [making configuration file for tailwindcss and for its customization. --full gives all default values(use of --full is optional)]
  5. create src and output folder
  6. create a css file in the src folder
  7. add tailwind directives to src css file
  8. create .vscode/settings.json file [to write custom settings of vs code]
  9. add { "css.validate": false, "tailwindCSS.emmetCompletions":true }
  10. update these specific package.json file with - "scripts": { "build":"tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o ./dist/output.css -w" },
  11. link html with output css file- <link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/output.css">
  12. update the content line of tailwind.config.js file with this - content: ["./src/**/*.{html,js}"],
  13. npm run build [this will compile the input file to generate the output file and will keep watching for changes]
