”Premature optimization is the root of all evil, 97% of the time; Yet we should not pass opportunities in that critical 3%.” - David Knut

Here's My Introduction:

I’m (almost) a polyglot programmer who solves problems through code. I hate stereotyping and respect other people’s opinion in a workspace.
Even though I know it's not possible or feasible sometimes, but I'd still prefer writing clean code any day. And smart code isn't always clean 💡. I’m also always on a lookout for tools that improve my code and my workflow.

I really admire people who understand the value of time and respect flexibility among their colleagues. Remote work is one such example.

When I’m not pushing commits, I think about traveling the world and riding a bike with my wife.

Here's What I Do Professionally:

I'm part of geographically distributed team called Hubilo. We help bring people together in virtual events and try to recreate experiences that are akin to physical meetups.

I spend most of my time authoring and maintaining Hubilo's distributed backend.

Here's My Internet Footprint:

  • I write all my blog posts here.
  • I create or live stream videos and tutorials related to computer programming here.
  • I post stuff on X twitter icon here.
  • I'm available on LinkedIn too, that's here.

Here Are My Top Repositories:

Here are My LeetCode Solutions:

LeetCode Stats

I know! This is still a work in progress. ;)

Here is My StackOverflow Flair:

profile for Mustansir Zia at Stack Overflow, Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers

Here's How to Support Me:

Buy Me A Pizza
