
Multimodal Emotion Recognition. See article : https://medium.com/@mustapha-ajeghrir/multimodal-emotion-recognition-456e4a73f9e8

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



Download dataset. Extract the folder named iemocap. Set the environment variable DATADIR to the folder containing iemocap.

export DATADIR="<data_dir>"
python3 src/data_loaders/iemocap.py


Language = English Emotions positive or negative over [-3,3] (regression) Download dataset :

cd data 
bash get_CMU_MOSI.sh

You can then use the src.data_loaders.cmu_mosi.py file to import the dataset 👍. Please refer to the readme src.data_loaders.README.md to learn more.


Acted Emotional Speech Dynamic Database, for more information please refer to the main site for this dataset. Language = Greek 5 emotions : ['anger', 'disgust', 'fear', 'happiness', 'sadness'] Donwload dataset :

cd data
bash get_aesdd.sh