
Rest API with MERN-Stack ( Mongodb,Express,nodejs,Reactjs).

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple MERN-Stack Rest API ( Mongodb,Express,nodejs,Reactjs).

MERN Stack: -it's a simple full stack app using nodejs(express and concurrenlty)+mongodb and Reactjs. Server: -This api fetches data from mongodb and returns it in a json format. -the data is about a list of users(name,availabality, rank,distance from us) to get the list of users directly go to as an exemple : http://localhost:4000/api/users?lng=-70&lat=25&max=10000. lng, lat and max(maxdistance) are the parametres that mongodb need to get the correspandant list of users(users who are near to (lng,lat) dist<max -try postman to interact with this api for the four http méthodes :get, post,put and delete.:use post first to add data to mongodb . -post for exemple : { "name":"riya", "rank":"junior", "available":true, "geometry":{ "type":"point","coordinates":[-70,25]} } Client: -the app includes also a frontend using ReactJS.it uses the fetch() méthode to get data from the server and displaying it. How to install and use:

  1. Clone the project or download the zip
  2. After pasting the project and changing the above changes run npm install to install all the dependencies for the server.
  3. cd client and npm install to install all the dependencies for the client(react,react-dom and babel) 4.go to where mongodb is installed and in a cmd type: cd bin then type mongod
  4. to run just the server: npm run server. to run just the client: npm run client. to run both server and client:npm run dev
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