LIT Hackathon 2022 - Flying Duck

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Steps to build this project

1. Download this source code

2. Open the folder in your choice of IDE

3. npm install

This installs all the required modules.

4. npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.

Project Details


Data Privacy and Cyber Security

Problem Question

How can different data processing regulations across the region be compared efficiently and effectively?

Our Solution

With different regions implementing their own data processing regulations, multinational companies may encounter difficulties making decisions that affect data security.

Hence, our team has developed a solution to help companies be better informed about regional data processing regulations.

Our solution consists of an AI-powered chatbot integrated into an informative web application that contains the data processing regulations of each country.

In the future, it will evolve to develop the ability to advise users on their best course of action on a case-by-case basis.

Our application would work in two steps:

Firstly, for this project, the regulations of the countries were scrapped from the web manually. However, we could use web-scraping technology to scour the Internet to find information about each country’s legislation from reputable sources. Then, we can group the information into categories and present them to the user as shown in Fig. 2. An integrated search function is also available to help users navigate the page. The presented data will also include the clause relevant to the question, the act number, and the supporting acts in place to support the clause. This information forms the knowledge base for our AI-powered chatbot.

Secondly, the integrated chatbot, which was bootstrapped using the Kommunicate AI chatbot, an NLP-based chatbot builder, takes in questions from users regarding problems pertaining to their operations to provide users with advice on how they can proceed with their operations. (Fig. 3)

Note: The chatbot provides preliminary recommendations based on considerations from the needs of various users and the relevant laws that apply to their needs. It does not constitute legal advice. Should users require further information from a legal professional, they can consult the lawyers on our “Find Lawyers” page (Fig. 4). This page would be filled with partnering lawyers who specialise in data privacy law.