
This application will help you to create interoperability between two systems like Human Resource Management System (HRIS) and DHIS2 (District Health Information System version 2). For integrating two systems, you need to setup api access authentications for source and destination application in this middleware app. It can generate JSON payload for DHIS2 facility information management. All the sub modules are: DHIS2 Facility Management, DHIS2 User Information Management, DHIS2 Dataset assignment

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DHIS2 Middleware App


This application will help you to create interoperability between two systems like Human Resource Management System (HRIS) and DHIS2 (District Health Information System version 2). For integrating two systems, you need to setup api access authentications for source and destination application in this middleware app. It can generate JSON payload for DHIS2 facility information management. All the sub modules are: # DHIS2 Facility Management, # DHIS2 User Information Management, # DHIS2 Dataset assignment


Make sure you have at least the following versions of node and npm.

  • Node version v5.6.0 or higher
  • npm version 3.8.0 or higher

Use the following commands to check your current versions

node -v

npm -v

Getting started

Clone the repository from github with the following command

git clone https://github.com/Julhas08/dhis2-middleware-apps.git

Install the node dependencies

npm install

To set up your DHIS2 instance to work with the development service you will need to add the development servers address to the CORS whitelist. You can do this within the DHIS2 Settings app under the access tab. On the access tab add http://localhost:8081 to the CORS Whitelist.

The starter app will look for a DHIS 2 development instance configuration in $DHIS2_HOME/config. So for example if your DHIS2_HOME environment variable is set to ~/.dhis2, the starter app will look for ~/.dhis2/config.js and then ~/.dhis2/config.json and load the first one it can find.

The config should export an object with the properties baseUrl and authorization, where authorization is the base64 encoding of your username and password. You can obtain this value by opening the console in your browser and typing btoa('user:pass').

If no config is found, the default baseUrl is http://localhost:8080/dhis and the default username and password is admin and district, respectively.

See webpack.config.js for details.

This should enable you to run the following node commands:

To run the development server

npm start

To run the tests one time

npm test

To run the tests continuously on file changes (for your BDD workflow)

npm run test-watch

To generate a coverage report for the tests

npm run coverage

To check the code style for both the JS and SCSS files run

npm run lint

Tools etc.

Frameworks... and libraries

Node JS, Express JS, PUG Engine, AJAX, Log4JS, CSS3 and HTML 5.



Npm is used as both a dependency management tool as a workflow manager through its scripts as can be seen in the [package.json]. It provides convenience commands to kick off various tasks. These tasks are mentioned above as npm run <command>, npm start, npm test, etc.
