
A simple, open source Sample Management System for Viral Load, EID and Covid-19 testing.

Primary LanguagePHP

Viral Load Sample Management System

A simple, open source Sample Management System for Viral Load, EID and Covid-19 testing.


  • Apache2
  • MySQL 5+
  • PHP 7+

How do I get started?

  • Download the Source Code and put it into your server's root folder (www or htdocs).
  • Open phpMyAdmin or any MySQL client and create a blank database
  • Import the initial sql file from the releases page
  • Rename configs/config.production.dist.php to configs/config.production.php
  • You can enable or disable VL,EID or Covid-19 module by changing the following variables in config.production.php. If a module is disabled, then it does not appear on the User Interface.
// Enable/Disable Modules
// true => Enabled
// false => Disabled
$systemConfig['modules']['vl'] = true;
$systemConfig['modules']['eid'] = true;
$systemConfig['modules']['covid19'] = true;
  • Next we will set up virtual host for this application. You can find many guides online on this topic. For example to set up on Ubuntu you can follow this guide : https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-apache-virtual-hosts-on-ubuntu-18-04
  • Before we set up the virtual host, ensure that the apache rewrite module is enabled in your Apache webserver settings
  • Edit your computer's hosts file to make an entry for this virtual host name
  • Next we create a virtual host pointing to the root folder of the source code. You can see an example below :
<VirtualHost *:80>
   DocumentRoot "/path/to/vlsm"
   ServerName vlsm

   <Directory "/path/to/vlsm">
       php_value auto_prepend_file /path/to/vlsm/startup.php

       AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
       Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
       AllowOverride All
       Order allow,deny
       Allow from all

Next Steps

  • Please add the Province, Districts manually in the database. In the near future, we will add UI to add these
  • Once you have the application set up, you can visit the vlsm URL http://vlsm/ and log in with the credentials admin and 123
  • Now you can start adding Users, facilities and set up the global config.

Who do I talk to?

You can reach us at hello (at) deforay (dot) com