
Perl programming documentation - http://perldoc.perl.org

Primary LanguageJavaScript

- perldoc.perl.org -


This archive contains the source code for the website http://perldoc.perl.org,
which holds the core documentaion for Perl in HTML and PDF formats.


  perl build-perldoc-pdf.pl    --output-path /path/to/output [options]
  perl build-perldoc-static.pl --output-path /path/to/output [options]
  perl build-perldoc-html.pl   --output-path /path/to/output [options]
  perl build-perldoc-js.pl     --output-path /path/to/output [options]

where [options] are:

  --perl /path/to/perl  - specify Perl interpreter to document
  --download            - produce a downloadable version of the documentation
  --pdf                 - include PDF download links (default)
  --nopdf               - do not include PDF download links


Please be aware that this software was written for the specific purpose
of generating the perldoc.perl.org website, and not to solve generic
problems like "convert a directory of Pod to HTML" or "produce documentation
for Perl and all modules installed on my system". However, the templates,
CSS, and conversion routines should give you a head start should you wish
to write a more generic tool.


Unless stated otherwise, all files are Copyright (C) Jon Allen and
distributed under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0.

The Perl Onion logo is a trademark of The Perl Foundation. See
http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl_trademark for usage details.

A modified copy of the Pod::POM module is included in the lib/ directory.
Pod::POM is Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Andy Wardley and distributed under the
same terms as Perl itself.


Jon Allen (JJ) <jj@jonallen.info>