-------------------- - perldoc.perl.org - -------------------- DESCRIPTION This archive contains the source code for the website http://perldoc.perl.org, which holds the core documentaion for Perl in HTML and PDF formats. USAGE perl build-perldoc-pdf.pl --output-path /path/to/output [options] perl build-perldoc-static.pl --output-path /path/to/output [options] perl build-perldoc-html.pl --output-path /path/to/output [options] perl build-perldoc-js.pl --output-path /path/to/output [options] where [options] are: --perl /path/to/perl - specify Perl interpreter to document --download - produce a downloadable version of the documentation --pdf - include PDF download links (default) --nopdf - do not include PDF download links NOTES Please be aware that this software was written for the specific purpose of generating the perldoc.perl.org website, and not to solve generic problems like "convert a directory of Pod to HTML" or "produce documentation for Perl and all modules installed on my system". However, the templates, CSS, and conversion routines should give you a head start should you wish to write a more generic tool. LICENSE Unless stated otherwise, all files are Copyright (C) Jon Allen and distributed under the terms of the Artistic License version 2.0. The Perl Onion logo is a trademark of The Perl Foundation. See http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl_trademark for usage details. A modified copy of the Pod::POM module is included in the lib/ directory. Pod::POM is Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Andy Wardley and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. CONTACT Jon Allen (JJ) <jj@jonallen.info> http://perl.jonallen.info/projects/perldoc