standard-readme compliant

The "printf" project is a programming exercise that is commonly used in introductory computer science courses to help students learn the basics of the C programming language. The goal of the project is to create a function that can print formatted output to the console. The printf function is a powerful tool that can be used to display strings, numbers, and other data types in a variety of ways.

More detail

In the printf project, students are tasked with creating a simplified version of the printf function, which can handle a limited set of formatting options. The function takes a format string as input, which specifies how the output should be formatted, and a variable number of arguments, which contain the data to be printed. The function then processes the format string and outputs the formatted data to the console.

The printf project is a valuable learning experience for students, as it helps them develop their programming skills and gain a deeper understanding of how programming languages work. By completing the project, students learn about C syntax, string manipulation, memory allocation, and other important programming concepts.


  • Language: C
  • Editor: VIM 8.1.2269
  • Compiler: gcc 9.3.0
  • Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89
  • Style guidelines: Betty style

Project specifitacation

  • No allowed to use global variable
  • No more than 5 functions per file
  • All files end with a new line


Specifier characters at the end define the type and the interpretation of its corresponding argument:
Specifier Output
c character
s string
d or i Signed integer
% %

Repository files

File Description this file
_putchar.c putchar function
get_function.c get_function function
main.h header file
print_char.c print_char function
print_digit.c print_digit function
print_string.c print_string function
printf.c main function
man_3_printf man page
printf_flowchart.png flowchart _printf


To install execute in terminal git clone


  • _printf functions examples:

  • _printf("Character:[%c]\n", 'H');

    • Output: char: [H]
  • _printf("String:[%s]\n", "I am a string !");

    • Output: string: [I am a string !]
  • _printf("decimal: [%d]\n", 10000);

    • Output: decimal: [10000]
  • _printf("Percent: [%%]\n");

    • Output: Percent: [%%]


All files were compiled on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

All programs and functions were compiled with gcc 4.8.4 using flags -Wall -Werror -Wextra and -pedantic.


All files have been written in the Betty Style.


© MutisoMuli