Appointment app is calendly clone to allows people to book a slot off your calendar after you share with them a link to your calendar
This application uses Ruby version 3.0.2 To install, use rvm or rbenv.
rvm install 3.0.2
rvm use 3.0.2
- Rbenv
rbenv install 3.0.2
Bundler provides a consistent environment for Ruby projects by tracking and installing
the exact gems and versions that are needed. I recommend bundler version 2.0.2. To install:
You need Rails. The rails version being used is rails version 7
To install:
gem install rails -v '~> 7'
*To get up and running with the project locally, follow the following steps.
Clone the app
With SSH
- With HTTPS
Move into the directory and install all the requirements.
cd rails_url_shortener_app
run bundle install
to install application packages
Run rails db:create
to create a database for the application
Run rails db:migrate
to run database migrations and create database tables
The application can be run by running the below command:-
rails s
or rails server