Come Across app lists the places a person has visited and lets the user creates new entries.
The application offers two main functions:
- Ability to view places one has visited
- Ability to add new entries
The application uses Ruby version 3.1.2 To install, use rvm or rbenv.
rvm install 3.0.2
rvm use 3.0.2
rbenv install 3.0.2
Bundler provides a consistent environment for Ruby projects by tracking and installing the exact gems and versions that are needed. I recommend bundler version 2.0.2. To install:
You need Rails. The rails version being used is rails version 7
To install:
gem install rails -v '~> 7'
- To get up and running with the project locally, follow the following steps.
Clone the app
- With SSH
- With HTTPS
Move into the directory and install all the requirements.
cd came-across
- Ensure Docker is installed
docker-compose build
to build the Docker image for the application. -
Once the build is complete, run
docker-compose up
to start the Docker container out of the image. -
This will the services listed in the docker-compose file, namely web and postres.
Docker needs a database, user and password for the postgres service.
In another terminal window:
Type psql
or sudo -u <your-postres-admin-user> psql
to connect to the a local postgres terminal.
- Run
CREATE ROLE your_user_for_the_app WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'your_password';
to create a role for docker instance.
Since your containers are running, access your postres container by running
docker-compose exec postgres psql -U <your_user_for_the_app>
This will start the postgres terminal within docker container.
Run CREATE DATABASE your_db_for_the_app;
and then run GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE your_db_for_the_app TO your_user_for_the_app;
This will create a database for postgres service and the app in general.
- Create a .env file and update each environment variable from the
file with your credentials for the postgres database you have created.
For cloudinary, you need to have an account, a free account will do, then go the dashboard and copy CLOUD_NAME
docker-compose exec web rails db:migrate
to run migrations and create all necessary tables for the app. -
docker-compose exec web rails db:seed
to add initial data, to the database. Predefined categories and dummy locations will be created.
- Go to the terminal where you run
docker-compose up
and stop the container. Then rundocker-compose up -d
to restart the container.
You can access the app on localhost:3000
- There is a
with shorthand commands for running utility commands for app. Be sure to check that too.
To run tests
make test
if you want to use Makefile
- This application uses Ruby version 3.1.2 To install, use rvm or rbenv.
rvm install 3.0.2
rvm use 3.0.2
rbenv install 3.0.2
Bundler provides a consistent environment for Ruby projects by tracking and installing the exact gems and versions that are needed. I recommend bundler version 2.0.2. To install:
You need Rails. The rails version being used is rails version 7
To install:
gem install rails -v '~> 7'
bundle install
to install application packages. -
rails db:create
to create a database for the application -
rails db:migrate
to run database migrations and create database tables -
rails db:seed
to initialize the database with seed data
- The application can be run by running the below command:-
rails s or rails server