
An app that enables a user to add a place visited, any comments and pictures.

Primary LanguageHTML


Come Across app lists the places a person has visited and lets the user creates new entries.

The application offers two main functions:

  • Ability to view places one has visited
  • Ability to add new entries

The application uses Ruby version 3.1.2 To install, use rvm or rbenv.


rvm install 3.0.2

rvm use 3.0.2


rbenv install 3.0.2

  • Bundler provides a consistent environment for Ruby projects by tracking and installing the exact gems and versions that are needed. I recommend bundler version 2.0.2. To install:

  • You need Rails. The rails version being used is rails version 7

To install:

gem install rails -v '~> 7'

  • To get up and running with the project locally, follow the following steps.

Clone the app

  • With SSH


  • With HTTPS https://github.com/Mutuba/Came-Across.git

Move into the directory and install all the requirements.

cd came-across

Setup with Docker

  • Ensure Docker is installed
  • Run docker-compose build to build the Docker image for the application.

  • Once the build is complete, run docker-compose up to start the Docker container out of the image.

  • This will the services listed in the docker-compose file, namely web and postres.

  • Docker needs a database, user and password for the postgres service.

In another terminal window:

Type psql or sudo -u <your-postres-admin-user> psql to connect to the a local postgres terminal.

  • Run CREATE ROLE your_user_for_the_app WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'your_password'; to create a role for docker instance.

Since your containers are running, access your postres container by running

  • docker-compose exec postgres psql -U <your_user_for_the_app>

This will start the postgres terminal within docker container.

Run CREATE DATABASE your_db_for_the_app; and then run GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE your_db_for_the_app TO your_user_for_the_app;

This will create a database for postgres service and the app in general.

  • Create a .env file and update each environment variable from the .env.sample file with your credentials for the postgres database you have created.

For cloudinary, you need to have an account, a free account will do, then go the dashboard and copy CLOUD_NAME, API_KEY, and API_SECRET.

  • Run docker-compose exec web rails db:migrate to run migrations and create all necessary tables for the app.

  • Run docker-compose exec web rails db:seed to add initial data, to the database. Predefined categories and dummy locations will be created.

  • Go to the terminal where you run docker-compose up and stop the container. Then run docker-compose up -d to restart the container.

You can access the app on localhost:3000.

  • There is a Makefile with shorthand commands for running utility commands for app. Be sure to check that too.

To run tests

make test if you want to use Makefile commands

Set application without Docker.

  • This application uses Ruby version 3.1.2 To install, use rvm or rbenv.


  • rvm install 3.0.2

  • rvm use 3.0.2


  • rbenv install 3.0.2

  • Bundler provides a consistent environment for Ruby projects by tracking and installing the exact gems and versions that are needed. I recommend bundler version 2.0.2. To install:

  • You need Rails. The rails version being used is rails version 7

  • To install:

gem install rails -v '~> 7'

  • Run bundle install to install application packages.

  • Run rails db:create to create a database for the application

  • Run rails db:migrate to run database migrations and create database tables

  • Run rails db:seed to initialize the database with seed data

  • The application can be run by running the below command:-

rails s or rails server

The app is up and running here.