DocuFlow is a key-value extractor developed with LSH and AI. The Task of Docuflow is to read Pdf Documents and to find specific Values that are needed to create a Order from an MAWB/HAWB Manifest
First, the User sends an Http GET request to an running Flask Server, here the Document gets submitted with MIME-Type Multipart-Form Data
Second, the AI scans the submittet Manifest and find Boxes where the Value for a specific Key is usually in it. Coordinates will be returned.
Third, the Text in the Boxes the AI found will be extracted and given to the LSHEngine Library, here the text gets compared to Thousands of other Data to detect Similarity in order to find a fitting key to each value. The compared values with the greatest overlap (measured by the Jaquard Value) are summarised as a key value pair.
After that the key value Pairs will be converted to JSON format and returned from the flask Server to the User.
You can see an Expamle Input File in the network_client/pdfs directory
You can see an Expamle Output File in the network_client/output directory