
ZeroNet RFC & enhancement proposals


Use the Issue Tracker and the Wiki to draft your proposals regarding how to improve ZeroNet and its peripheral services. While proposals may influence the development of ZeroNet, this repository is unofficial.

I informally define three different types of ZEPs.

  • Standards
    Describes a new feature or implementation.

  • Informational
    Describes a ZeroNet design issue, or provides general guidelines or information to the ZeroNet community, but does not propose a new feature.

  • Process
    Describe changes in ZeroNet, which readers are typically not free to ignore them.

Expressing your idea regarding ZeroNet

It is highly recommended that a single proposal contains a single key idea. Proposals that are too broad or ambiguous are less likely to make their way into the official specification.

Posting your idea to the Issue Tracker for discussion before actually writing or editing a ZEP saves the authors’ time. Doing so also makes sure the proposal is applicable and acceptable to the entire ZeroNet community, not just to the authors.

A proposal should either formally or informally follow the content guideline. Use common sense. Be helpful and constructive. Write for the entire community, not just for yourself. Don't say "I want this" without actually thinking about how to implement the said ideas.

Content guideline


  • Title
  • Author
  • Discussions to
  • Status
  • Type
  • Requires
  • Replaces
  • Superseded by
  • Creation date


A short description of the issue being addressed.


Use an open license, or public domain.


Why will this proposal improve ZeroNet?


Why such design decisions?

Backward Compatibility

How does the proposed idea or solution affect people using old software?

Security Considerations

Under a defined threat model, discuss security problems and solutions.

Reference Implementation

A complete and robust recipe.

Empirical Evidence

Data from experiments go here. Empirical evidence is used to support or negate the soundness and effectiveness of the idea or solution being proposed.

The review process

  • Draft
  • Deferred
  • Rejected
  • Accepted
  • Final
  • Replaced

License of this document

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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