This branch is for Webpack 2, for Webpack 1 support please checkout 0.x version in webpack1
Ninja powered front-end development server.
Check this blog post for more info about the development of Ninja.
- Generate routes automatically
- Interpret Nodejs template
- Jinja syntax supported(swig)
- Livereload for HTML&CSS&JS
- Proxy mode
- Webpack compatible
npm install -g ninja_cli
For example
ninja --template "swig" --webpack true --templateDir "/template"
Ninja will find ninja.conf.js
under the working directory.
is a CommonJS file like:
module.exports = {
template: "swig", // whatever template engine you like
mock: "/mock/mock.json", // dir for mock data
webpack: true, // flag for using webpack or not
proxy: {
route: "/api",
origin: ""
staticDir: "/static",
templateDir: "/template",
Usage: ninja [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-p, --port [port] Set the port of the server, defalut set to 3000
-t, --template [item] Set template engine, defalut set to swig
-m, --mock [dir] Set the source of mock data
-w, --webpack [flag] Serving static file using webpack or not, defalut set to false
-o, --proxyOrigin [route] Proxy origin configuration
-r, --proxyRoute [url] Proxy route configuration
-s, --staticDir [dir] Location of static file
-d, --templateDir [dir] Location of templates
-b, --browser [item] Set the defalut browser, defalut set to google chrome
ninja init <projectName> <template>
ninja init my-project webpack-vue
The above command pulls the template from slush-ninja-webpack-vue.
ninja start
Start Ninja dev server!
- webpack-vue - A full-featured Webpack2 + Vue2
Take a look at the examples
- refactor proxy for bypassing CORS.
- all kinds of HTTP/HTTPS request are supported now.
- add body-parser for express server, fix POST proxy body data missing case
- add HTTP method setting for mock API
- add example for webpack&gulp users
- support CSS&Javascript livereload
- initial commit
MIT 2017@MuxiStudio: check LICENSE
file for detail.