This code library is for research purpose only. We distribute our library under the GNU-GPL license. If you use this library or the dataset, please cite our paper: [1] Y. Wu, J. Lim, and M.-H. Yang, ¡°Online Object Tracking: A Benchmark,¡± in CVPR, 2013. The project website is and the library will be updated on it. The information for trackers is listed in the file Trackers.txt. The notes for the folders: * All the tracking results used in [1] are stored in the folders '.\results\results_SRE_CVPR13' and '.\results\results_TRE_CVPR13'. * The annotation files (bounding box and attributes) are in the folder '.\anno'. * The folder '.\initOmit' contains the annotation of frames that are omitted for tracking initialization due to occlusion or out of view of targets. * The tracking results will be stored in the folder '.\results'. * The folder '.\rstEval' contains some scripts used to compute the tracking performance or draw the results. * The folder '.\trackers' contains all the code for trackers * The folder '.\tmp' is used to store some temporary results or log files. * The folder '.\util' ontains some scripts used in the main functions. 1.Setup for trackers *platform: Windows *the 5 vivid trackers and TLD can only run on 32 bit Matlab *ASLA depends on vlfeat *BSBT, BT, SBT, CPF, Frag, KMS, SMS depend on opencv 1.0 *MIL depends on IPP 5.0 and opencv 1.0 *Struck depends on opencv 1.0 and Eigen library *LSK depends on MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) 7.16 location: <matlabroot>\toolbox\compiler\deploy\win32\MCRInstaller.exe *CXT depends on opencv 2.4 and the DLLS are included *VTD and VTS have GUI so that they cannot be included in our library 2.main functions * main_running.m is the main function for the tracking test - Note that OPE is the first trial of TRE - It also has the function to validate the results. * perfPlot.m is the main function for drawing performance plots. - It will call 'genPerfMat.m' to generate the values for plots. * drawResultBB.m is the main function for drawing bounding boxes (BBs) of different trackers on each frame Yi Wu, Jongwoo Lim and Ming-Hsuan Yang, June 2013 Last updated, Jun 02, 2013