
This Python script calculates the absolute differences between adjacent elements in a given list a and formats the results as strings in the form <absolute_difference> (<element1> va <element2>). It then identifies and prints the formatted difference with the maximum absolute value.

Primary LanguagePython


This Python script is designed to calculate and display the absolute differences between adjacent elements in an input list a. It then prints the differences along with the corresponding elements from the list in a specific format.


Define your list of numbers in the a variable. Run the script.

How It Works

Two empty lists, b and d, are initialized to store the formatted differences and their absolute values, respectively. The script iterates through each element in the a list using a for loop. Inside the loop, it checks if there is another element available in the list. It calculates the absolute difference between the current element and the next element and formats it as a string in the form "<absolute_difference> ( va )", where <absolute_difference> is the absolute value of the difference between the elements, and and are the elements themselves. The formatted difference is appended to the b list. The script then extracts the absolute difference values from the formatted differences in the b list and appends them to the d list. Finally, it identifies the maximum value in the d list and prints the corresponding formatted difference from the b list.

Example Output

If you run the script with the provided input list a, you will get output similar to this:

Possible Improvements

The code can be further optimized for readability and efficiency. It can be converted into a function that takes an input list as an argument and returns the result. Additional error handling can be added to handle cases where the input list is empty or contains non-numeric elements. More informative comments and documentation can be added for clarity. Feel free to use, modify, and contribute to this code on GitHub to make it even more useful and user-friendly.