Don't Cross the Line

2 player game written in C.

My first ever programming project inspired from a mini-game in GTA 5.

Note: To be able to play this game your machine should have any C graphical Environment like Turbo-C etc.

#Reason for creating this game:

  • I was a part of AAC(Advanced Academic Center) in college during 1st year and at the end of the year my team had to do a mini-project.
  • So, my friends and I wanted to do something new and different in our field of interest which is gaming.
  • I watch a lot of video game gameplay on youtube, where I stumbled on to this hilarious video( and we replicated it in C graphics.

What I learnt from this:

  • Understood what coding is all about.
  • How to play with the flow of control in the program.

#Team Members:

Here is a glimpse of the game:

1 Main Menu

2 Difficulty

3 Help

4 About

6 Game