
Primary LanguageJavaScript


We were tasked to create an interactive time coding assessment with a combination of multiple-choice questions with answers The app will run in our browser and feature HTML, CSS , and JavaScript code.


I tried my best to complete my work but I had many trouble getting the questions to launch.

I was able to style and implement some functions of what was expected for this assignment.


https://www.w3schools.com/ - I used the website for reference which helped me choose the correct array for my functions.

https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/open/ - I used the Console tab in Google Chrome Developer Tools to troubleshoot and correct my code as I was on working on.

https://stackoverflow.com/questions - I used StackOverflow to see the approach and opinions of the community of people and see how I can apply their knowledge to my work.

https://html-color.codes/purple - I used HTML-Color.Codes for giving color to my page.

https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Poppins query=poppins#standard-styles - I used to style the writing in my style.css