
Refactor an existing webpage to make it accessible and to improve SEO. It's important to follow the Scout Rule when working with an existing codebase to always leave the code a little cleaner than we found it.

Primary LanguageHTML

Deployed Application on Github


Horiseon-Code-Refactor - Github Repository


Horiseon-Code-Refactor: HTML, CSS, and Git:


We completed the request of the client which was to follow accessibility standards in order to have their site optimized for performance. CSS style plays an integral role in bringing to life the HTML page. Having proper structure and clean code while combining the same CSS selectors and styles into one catergory makes it easier to read.

Table of Contents

  • Deployed Application
  • Github Repository
  • Description
  • User Story
  • Acceptance Criteria
  • Installation
  • Usage
  • Technologies Used
  • Screenshots

User Story

AS A marketing agency
I WANT a codebase that follows accessibility standards
SO THAT our site is optimized for search engines

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN a webpage that meets accessibility standards
WHEN I view the source code
THEN I find semantic HTML elements
WHEN I view the structure of the HTML elements
THEN I find that the elements follow a logical structure independent of styling and positioning
WHEN I view the icon and image elements
THEN I find accessible alt attributes
WHEN I view the heading attributes
THEN I find that they fall in sequential order
WHEN I view the title element
THEN I find a concise, descriptive title


To install this application, clone the code into your terminal for the respective repository.


Use the navigation bar to navigate through different sections of the webpage.

Technologies Used

  • CSS
  • HTML5

Screenshot of Horiseon

