Pinned Repositories
A GLSL shader to render millions of spheres using billboarding and raycasting to get this performance
An implementation of the ear clipping triangulation algorithm to triangulate an arbitrary polygon
This program is able to list all possible fingerings for any given chord, on any given tuning and a given set of parameters (hand size, reach, ...). There are many different ways to place your fingers on the guitar to acheive the same chord. It is interesting for a guitar player to have an exhaustive list of all these combinations for playing or composition (smooth chord progression).
A program that performs a hill climbing algorithm to mutate a set of ellipses to best match an input picture.
A program that converts an input image to a txt string (ASCII art).
A replica of the famous 1979 arcade game with random terrain generation
A program that plot the mandelbrot set with a GLSL shader (to speed up the rendering)
A wind tunnel application that solves the Navier Stokes equations using John Stam's "Stable Fluid" method.
Simulation of 1 million (or more) newtonian particles drawn on an openGL context.
A program that plots spirograph patterns (hypocycloids, epicycloids, hypotrochoids, epitrochoids).
Muzkaw's Repositories
Simulation of 1 million (or more) newtonian particles drawn on an openGL context.
An implementation of the ear clipping triangulation algorithm to triangulate an arbitrary polygon
A program that converts an input image to a txt string (ASCII art).
A program that performs a hill climbing algorithm to mutate a set of ellipses to best match an input picture.
A replica of the famous 1979 arcade game with random terrain generation
This program is able to list all possible fingerings for any given chord, on any given tuning and a given set of parameters (hand size, reach, ...). There are many different ways to place your fingers on the guitar to acheive the same chord. It is interesting for a guitar player to have an exhaustive list of all these combinations for playing or composition (smooth chord progression).
A wind tunnel application that solves the Navier Stokes equations using John Stam's "Stable Fluid" method.
A GLSL shader to render millions of spheres using billboarding and raycasting to get this performance
A program that plots spirograph patterns (hypocycloids, epicycloids, hypotrochoids, epitrochoids).
A program that plot the mandelbrot set with a GLSL shader (to speed up the rendering)
A remake of the game Curve Fever (or Achtung Die Kurve) with C++ and SFML. Gameplay is very smooth with 60+ fps.
A cellular automaton that simulates a battlefield based on simple attack / heal / upgrade rules.
A program that plots the mandelbrot set with a custom color gradient in the HSV color space. It is multithreaded for 4 cores architecture.
A program that plots the electric field generated by charged puncutal particles. The field is further pictured by iso potential lines and field lines.