
Sample project connecting MultOS card and PHP web server via sockets

Primary LanguagePython


This is a sample proof-of-work project for expanding my skills in:

  • MultOS card programming using SmartDeck (for libraries and Mel API) and MUtil (for application loading)
  • Python socket programming that allows local connector communicating with remote Nextcloud server


Card-App directory

Everything related to card programming

MultOS programming:

  • <Smart-Deck-install-location>/bin must be in system $PATH variable in order to successfully build .hlx and .alu files using make.

  • hls -t nextcloud.hzx can be used to determine, how much dynamic memory shall be used while loading the app (.DB = dynamic memory data size).

  • Use nextcloud.alu for test load in MUtil and specify .DB amount of memory before loading.

Python helper scripts:

  • Package requirements: pyscard, more-itertools, simple-term-menu

  • pyscard might require to install swig on the system (can be installed via homebrew on MacOS, google for other systems)

  • test.py should fininsh successfully while card is connected

  • cli.py is interactive cli for repeated commands (can be used to test and configure card password)

Card-Connector directory

This directory contains files using socket programming to communicate between local connector which listens for challenges from remote Nextcloud server.

connector.py MUST be running and listening in order to successfully login into Nextcloud via smartcard

connector-client.py is for testing on localhost network

index.php is sample PHP script which runs on remote server and tries to authenticate local user via his running connector