
Minecraft Auto-server join script

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This is a simple Python script to auto join a Minecraft server that is full.

The expectation here is that you set the bbox (Bounding Box) coords to a status provider of the server, such as discord if the server is using a discord bot to notify of messages/achievements/join/leave.


pip install time pynput pygetwindow pillow

optional (If you want sound on join):

pip install playsound

Download Tesseract OCR and point pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd at the install location.

Then you would just run it via py ./path/to/file/main.py.


The expected flow is for you to have the minecraft game currently up, and the server selected on the multiplayer server window. After doing that, you can then un-focus the minecraft window.

When the program detects the words in the word array, it will then automatically focus the minecraft window (Assuming it has the name Minecraft in it), then click enter. This should auto join the server.

In personal tests, this beats out almost everyone manually joining.


Getting Coords

I personally use ShareX which displays the coordinates on the screen when using 'Region Capture'.

You can then put those into the bounding Box.


Enabling Sound

I enable the sound toggle if I am going to do other things while waiting. This will play whatever sound you define when you are joining the game.

Note: If you don't want sound, or don't want to grab the sound package, just comment out any lines with playsound.


Enabling Debug mode via the config settings will open the image captured and display the text from the screen cap. (Useful for tweaking coordinates)