numpy - 1.20.3
antlr4-python3-runtime - 4.7
gym - 0.21.0
networkx - 2.6.3
pandas - 1.3.5
pillow - 8.4.0
python - 3.7.3
pytorch - 1.7.1
wandb - 0.12.21
jinja2 - 3.1.2
colorlog - 6.6.0
pydot - 1.4.2
sortedcontainers - 2.4.0
cd HTN_Planner/planner/pddl-python
python3 setup.py install
cd ../..
python3 setup.py install
Please put the code folder in the root directory
If you want to plot the learning curve, you need to assign the user_name variable with the specific user's name in the argParser file.
Or set the use_wandb variable in the argParser file to False, in which case the user's name does not have to be provided, and the learning curve will not be output.
seed - 1: run main_FindTreasure_SOMAPPO_Seed_1.py
seed - 75: run main_FindTreasure_SOMAPPO_Seed_75.py
seed - 100: run main_FindTreasure_SOMAPPO_Seed_100.py
seed - 1: run main_GoTogether_SOMAPPO_Seed_1.py
seed - 75: run main_GoTogether_SOMAPPO_Seed_75.py
seed - 100: run main_GoTogether_SOMAPPO_Seed_100.py
seed - 1: run main_MoveBox_task0_SOMAPPO_Seed_1.py
seed - 75: run main_MoveBox_task0_SOMAPPO_Seed_75.py
seed - 100: run main_MoveBox_task0_SOMAPPO_Seed_100.py
seed - 1: run main_MoveBox_task1_SOMAPPO_Seed_1.py
seed - 75: run main_MoveBox_task1_SOMAPPO_Seed_75.py
seed - 100: run main_MoveBox_task1_SOMAPPO_Seed_100.py
seed - 1: run main_MoveBox_task2_SOMAPPO_Seed_1.py
seed - 75: run main_MoveBox_task2_SOMAPPO_Seed_75.py
seed - 100: run main_MoveBox_task2_SOMAPPO_Seed_100.py
seed - 1: run main_MoveBox_task3_SOMAPPO_Seed_1.py
seed - 75: run main_MoveBox_task3_SOMAPPO_Seed_75.py
seed - 100: run main_MoveBox_task3_SOMAPPO_Seed_100.py