Celebration Board Api


This is the api for the Celebration Board app, a forum where users can celebrate their achievements and write the things they are grateful for. The idea is to create a place on the internet where people can inspire each other to achieve more in their life because I think the internet currently holds too much negativity. (This app does not promote toxic positivity.)

Local Development


Steps to set up your local repository:

  1. Clone the repository.
git clone git@github.com:<YOUR_GITHUB_ACCOUNT>/celebration-board-api.git
  1. Change into the repository directory.
cd celebration-board-api
  1. Fill in any empty application config fields in src/CelebrationBoard.Api/appsettings.Development.json.

  2. Add user secrets

dotnet user-secrets "CelebrationBoardConnectionString" "<Db connection string>"
dotnet user-secrets "CelebrationBoardUsersConnectionString" "<Db connection string>"
  1. Start application
dotnet run --project src/CelebrationBoard.Api
  1. Visit application at https://localhost:7034.

Running tests

  1. Run tests
# Run from root directory to ensure all tests are run.
dotnet test

Viewing api documentation

  1. Start the application
dotnet run --project src/CelebrationBoard.Api
  1. View Swagger documentation via https://localhost:7046/swagger/index.html