
Simple test library for C language

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

C BabyTest

This is a "baby" (simple) test library for C language. Testing for beginners.

Usually, then I code I write test just to be sure code works as expected. C is not nicest (easy to understand) language to work with, especially when you start to learn to code. Because of time pressure on projects I had I didn't want invest time to check available C Testing libraries. So I created my own simple "C BabyTest" library.

With "C BabyTest" you can:

  • Test.assertTrue(bool actual, char * message):bool : Test if actual is really true.
  • Test.assertFalse(bool actual, char * message):bool : Test if actual is false.
  • Test.assertEqual_String(char * expected, char * actual, char * message):bool : Test if actual string are the same as expected string.
  • Test.assertEqual_Int(int expected, int actual, char * message):bool : Test if actual integer are the same as expected integer.

Note each test function returns true if a test is passed.


Is always good practice to separate test code from main programs code. But for this example for simplicity reasons is not the case

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>    // to suport booleans
#include "test.h"       // this library
// Note: this include shoud point to location where library is.
// In my case it is in the same folder.

#define MY_AGE 30 // constant to hold my age

// function you want to test
bool imOlder(int yourAge){
    // some creazy logic you not sure about
    return MY_AGE < yourAge;

int bobAge = 20;    // Bob age

// you know what you older then Bob.
bool shouldBe_True = imOlder(bobAge);

// test if function implementation is correct
Test.assertTrue(shouldBe_True, "I'm older then Bob");

To run on Windows + VisualStudio hit run. To run (on Linx):

# go to yours tests files folder
# compile all ".c" files to "myTest.out" file
gcc ./*.c -o ./myTest.out

# if no compile errors run it

So then you run it result is:

I'm older then Bob: true - FAIL

So you know what your implementation is wrong. Lets fix it. Change function to:

bool imOlder(int yourAge){
    // some creazy logic you not sure about
    return MY_AGE > yourAge; // changed "<" to ">"

Then you run result now:

I'm older then Bob: true - PASS

And know you know what function works as expected.