
Mediator SDK to communicate with the Mediator Agent implemented in SWIFT for native iOS app development.

Primary LanguageSwift


This framework uses the Aries Apple SDK to communicate with a mediator service via DIDComm for

  • connecting
  • creating an inbox
  • getting inbox items
  • delete inbox items
  • adding a route
  • adding the device info

How To

To use the mediator service you first have to successfully

  1. connect after that you have to go for the
  2. Device Check where you can than create the inbox with the device validation objecct
  3. createInbox(with: validation) and than add the device info to the ledger as well
  4. addDeviceInfo

To Do's

  • Find a better way for mobileSecret
  • Maybe parameterize @type instead of Constants
  • Rework/Remove Networking as it might be over-engineered because it's basically only used for the discover and this might be also the only use for it