
MyHelp provides local service providers a platform to provide services to the customer and increase their reach. It also helps customers book reliable home services like beauty services, massage therapy, cleaning, plumbing,carpentry, appliance repair, painting etc to empower millions of service professionals across the world to deliver services at home like never before.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


MyHelp provides local service providers a platform to provide services to the customer and increase their reach. It also helps customers book reliable home services like beauty services, massage therapy, cleaning, plumbing,carpentry, appliance repair, painting etc to empower millions of service professionals across the world to deliver services at home like never before.

MyHelp is live at https://myhelp.netlify.app/


As we all know, in today’s world everything has gone online. Let it be grocery shopping, ordering food, even colleges have gone on online mode. It is not wrong to say that these online sites/apps have become an integral part of our life and have made our life easier and more convenient. Everything is just a click away. Online service providing booking platforms for day-to-day problems, for example, the need for a plumber or an electrician, or even a carpenter is still an industry that is not yet explored to its full potential. We just have a few companies who have their monopoly in the market and send in their employees to provide services and their prices are also not flexible. Due to COVID-19 and lockdown, many independent service providers have no jobs and are not getting the price they deserve, moreover, these service providers are not able to compete with these big companies, and customers also don’t have much of an option when they have to choose a service. Seeing all of this, we decided to make a website MyHelp to solve these problems. MyHelp is a platform for both the local service providers and customers to interact with each other for mutual benefits. It is an unconventional platform where the website acts as a platform for service providers to sell their service at their own price unlike the conventional form of service providing where the company actually employs people to provide service. This will also be beneficial for the customers as they will have more options to choose from and also more choices for the prices. Also now they don’t have to call or find someone to fix things at their home, it will be more convenient for them now


Home Page

Tech/Framework used

  • MERN Stack
  • Reactstrap
  • Redux
  • JWT Authentication


  • The service providers after making an account could post in their jobs and a brief description about it, for example, price, location, age, and other vital information that will be also stored in our database to help the customer choose in a better way.

  • The user has to just make an account and search for the service they are looking for, our site will display all the available options in their city.

  • The website will also recommend the best option according to your needs and previous reviews about the service provider, which will improve the experience of the customer and would also act as an incentive for the service providers to provide quality service.

  • The website will also recommend the best option according to your needs and previous reviews about the service provider, which will improve the experience of the customer and would also act as an incentive for the service providers to provide quality service.

  • After the service is done, the customer would have to also provide the rating and review for the service provider so that we can keep a check on these service providers and provide the best services to our customers.


Clone to your local repo

    git clone https://github.com/My-Help/MyHelp_Frontend

Install dependencies

    yarn install

Run on localhost

    yarn start


Team Members